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9 Income Ideas for Homemakers

A woman counting dollar bills

Being a homemaker/housewife is indeed a tough job to do but women master even such a tedious routine in due time. Looking after the family, the house etc. is a thankless job; some women give up a promising career to become housewives/homemakers. Financial dependence is one of the cons of being a homemaker as you’re not the breadwinner of the house anymore. Some may even find this affecting their confidence. Having a passive income stream will allow one to manage their home as well as gain financial independence and thus boost confidence too 😉

Learn how you can generate income while staying at home.


9 Income Ideas for Homemakers

Baking / Cake making / Selling Baked Goods

If you love to bake those pastries, cookies, cupcakes or have a knack for creating lovely customized cakes then why not turn it into a money-minting small business? It will require a little bit of investment (to buy the materials for preparing cakes) and once of course your time. Think of a name, create an Instagram page, create sample cakes & pastries, send it over to your friends, neighbours, relatives, etc. and ask them to refer you. Soon you will start receiving orders for baking lovely customized cakes or cupcakes!


Do you love to teach? you anyways teach your kids & husbands a lot 😉 so it’s time you can teach some other kids too. Select a subject you were good at in school (or maybe all?) and then ask your neighbours if they want their children to be tutored. It will be a bit slow at the start but once the wheel gets going, you’ll be happy with the money rolling in.

Handmade Crafts

Revive the artist in you and start creating paintings, drawings, craft articles, etc. and sell them for a good amount. You will not only love doing it but as it is making you money, it will add the fuel of motivation too. Upload your creations on your Instagram page, as WhatsApp status, etc. and let people purchase it. People do love art.

Fitness/Yoga Coach

If you’re one of those women who love to be fit or a master at yoga then why not use this knowledge and experience to earn some cash for yourself? Target those unhealthy folks you know and help them create healthy choices and maintain their good health as well in the long run. Since you already know them it will be easy to guide them and they will be easy to open up to you. Later you can accept strangers via your social media handles. Be their coach, stay in touch with your clients via video calls, voice calls, etc. make their nutrition chart, prepare their workout timetable etc. and get paid to do so!

Content Creation

Now, this is a gamut and a very hot topic of this decade. You can be a content creator and just upload content on different social media about the things you are good at. You can give genuine tips, prepare how-to videos, guides, lifestyle suggestions, etc. It will be challenging to select which social media you need to begin with. Some start with Instagram reels, some start with a Facebook page, some creates videos for Youtube, etc. The two ways you’ll earn money by doing so are via sponsors and the ads being displayed on your content. Select your niche and get creating!

Selling Goods

You might be surprised but it is possible to sell goods without the need of leaving your home every now & then. Start off by identifying which product/good you can get in your locality or for which product your area is famous for. For example, if you are living in Surat then Sarees are manufactured there at a very reasonable rate. Visit some textile factories and see if they let you sell their stock. You can have a good markup on it. Buy a dozen and bring it home, take video/pictures of it and upload it on your social media account. Handle the potential client interactions, take the money and dispatch the selected sarees via a proper courier service. Repeat and grow your clients. Apply this to any other goods or if you can produce any such by yourself then it is more better.

Stock Market

Many would argue that this field is not for women but I have seen women performing better than men in the market. The number of females trading in the stock market is very less than that of males. I really don’t know but it is what it is. Mind you, for entering the stock market, you need a little bit of capital and discipline. Along with that a good knowledge of finance is of utmost importance. It might not be for everyone but if you’re interested then there are thousands of tutorials out there to teach the basics of stock market trading. Learn the basics and either do swing trading or a long-term investment. Please be sure that you do not let greed take over your mind because once you invest an amount, you make a profit, that’s when the greed catches on and makes you invest more. Instead, start off with a very minimal amount and use only that investment. Reinvest the profits you make and see the power of compounding making you money. Alternatively, you can also invest in dividend-yielding stocks.

Babysitting at your home

If you love babies and can handle the extra efforts required to look after infants then this can bring you additional cash as well. There are women who have to be in office 9 to 6 and have no one to look after their newborns or children. You can look after them at your home for a fixed amount provided you can really know how to “Tame the Dragon”. You might also build your future “clients” for the tutoring gig 😉

Online Freelancing

This is purely skilled-based work and would require you to have some expertise or experience in the field. Digital Marketing, Community Leader, Video/Audio editing, etc. are all gig-based remote jobs which can be done without leaving the 4 walls of your house. There are numerous websites which can provide you with a platform to earn from your skills, like Fiverr, Freelancer, etc.

These are some of the ways which ensure you can make extra income for yourself without leaving your home often. It not only makes you look after your family’s needs but also generates cash for your use. If you know more ways then please comment and let everyone know.

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